		Causewayhead Traders Meeting
                                5.30pm 4th April 2017
                                   @ Waves Café

Hannah Wallis, Paul Shaw, Claire Whitton, Martyn Walker, Diane Sampson, Helen Stene, Darren Taylor, Susan Allanson, Linda Foster, Bob ( The London Inn)
Julian Cardew, Emma Hill, Lorna Borell, Nigel Bedford, Yvonne Palin. 

Fundraiser Sum Up:
We have lots of positive comments and everyone enjoyed themselves. We raised £895. The question is shall we do another? Possibly end of November?

Paul went to the last meeting with Sue. PS asked the question of what are we paying for as our funds are limited. Fiona said that Flora would pay for the brackets and fitting and that CWH Traders pay for the baskets and toppers.

Gutters and Street Decoration
6 businesses have requested gutters to be cleaned.
We have 2 quotes for the street decoration: £1826.00 and £1400.00 and we need to check if Tony can do under our insurance?

The windows will be stencilled with bunnies and daffodils. MW to organise the music. There will be a youth market at the bottom of CWH.
We will hang golden eggs from branches on the posts along the street.
The egg hunt will cost £2 per entry, and we are doing this along with Chapel Street. Hopefully BID boards will go up in CWH Furnishings.
We have asked primary schools to send in photos of children wearing Easter Bonnets they have made. These will be placed in shop windows and 3 winners will be chosen.
The eggs/branches will be put up next Wed/Thurs.

Action Points:
We need Ideas for ornamental stuff for the tops of the posts.
HW said she has had a conversation with John Morland re planting over near Sainsburys……this is still ongoing.
Bob has offered to get some prices fir sculptures….of Pirates etc for the next meeting.

Bob commented positively on the impact removal of the bottom benches has had at that end of the street,
PS not moved it up this end particularly but is more pleasant to walk down. There is noticeably not as much tension at the bottom end. Bob commented that a shop in St Ives couldn’t open as there was men sat in the front of it until the police had dealt with it.
All businesses need to email the 101 system with any concerns or just stuff they spot so that the police an build up a bigger picture.
DS concerned with how the PCSO’s deal with them. Says too friendly and just having a chat….not dealing with it!
SA says that Dan at Smugglers Den won’t have Xmas lights any more as last year the contractors caused damage.
HW said the bollard had been broken for 10 days before being repaired. It needs to be reported as soon as noticed to avoid delays like this.
We asked Bob if we could hang signs promoting the businesses up the street on the side of The London. He said we can as long as they are taken in everynight, but they can be stored at the pub.
Security System/CCTV. Police preferred option is to have at the bottom of the street. We have a system not being used, can this be passed on? do we sell it? It did cost £150
Next Meeting 25/4/17 : Vote Bob onto the committee
Meeting Ended 6.57pm